Ali Aqa
علی آقا
By Kamran Heydari
Documentary, 82 min.
Suisse/Iran, November 2017
Persan/ss-titre. Angl.
Ali Aqa’s large, fleshy hands shake as he helps a newborn pigeon chick hatch. Sick and old, Ali Aqa refuses to get hospitalized as he would abandon his “sweetheart” pigeons. In Persian slang, these men are called « Love Guys ». His relatives want desperately to save him, while Ali Aqa, consumed by paranoia, wants to save his pigeons. When it goes too far, even the film’s director Kamran Heidari abandons his neutral position as an observer. The situation can have no other way out than drama. Ali Aqa’s character reminds the end of an era which struggles against its own (in)capacity to move forward.
Les mains larges et charnues d’Ali Aqa tremblent lorsqu’il aide un pigeonneau à sortir de sa coquille. Vieux et malade, Ali Aqa refuse d’être hospitalisé dès lors qu’il devra abandonner ses amours de pigeons. En argot persan, ces hommes sont nommés les « amoureux ». Sa famille veut désespérément le sauver, alors qu’Ali Aqa, paranoïaque, veut sauver ses pigeons. Quand tout cela va trop loin, même Kamran Heidari laisse sa position d’observateur neutre pour intervenir. La situation n’a d’autre issue que le drame. Ali Aqa rappelle la fin d’une ère en lutte contre sa propre incapacité d’avancer.
Réalisation – Kamran Heydari
Scénario – Kamran Heydari / Ehsan Bahri
Montage – Kamran Heydari
Son – Ali Farmani
Photographie/caméra – Kamran Heydari
Mixage Son – Kamyar Behbahani
Etalonage and sous-titres – Sina Mottaghi
Traduction – Saba Alavi – Mojgan Endjavi – Sina Mottaghi
Production – Sunny independent pictures (Switzerland) – Endjavi-Barbé art projects (Dubai)
November 2017 – International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) – IDFA Competition for Feature-Length Documentary (Première mondiale)
December 2017 – Cinéma Vérité ; Iran International Documentary Film Festival
World premiere at International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2017 (IDFA) – Competition for Feature-Length Documentary
Ali Aqa by Kamran Heydari is now accessible to the Industry at the Media Library of Visions du Réel – Nyon
Ali Aqa de Kamran Heydari– Thank you Neil Young from Hollywood Reporter for your article